In Buenos Aires the Zahir is a common twenty-centavo coin into which a razor or penknife has scratched the letters N T and the number two; the date stamped on the face is 1929. (In Gujarat, at the end of the eighteenth century, Zahir was a tiger; in Java a blind man in the Sukarta… Read more
A Model Of Its Kind
The Brown Building 11/9/24
Anticipating the Butcher
Ich höre, dass du die Hand gegen dich erhoben hastDem Schlächter zuvorkommend.Acht Jahre verbannt, den Aufstieg des Feindes beobachtendZuletzt an eine unüberschreitbare Grenze getriebenHast du, heißt es, eine überschreitbare überschritten.Reiche stürzen. Die BandenführerSchreiten daher wie Staatsmänner. Die VölkerSieht man nicht mehr unter den Rüstungen.So liegt die Zukunft in Finsternis, und die guten KräfteSind schwach. All… Read more
November 4
Saving Daylight
El Día de los Difuntos
Wedding Party
Where did you hear me in this cold… Where did I bring names and contra-names into the story, into this account out of poverty, my specter… My Word picked sheep, pigs, whipped oxen in calf, drank from the back of the cow… in thousand-year-old books my father’s plow scarred the stars back and forth… Read more
The Country Will Bring Us No Peace
Out under yellow bulbs at a long weathered table, Zoyd found himself trying to help Flash with the shock of meeting so many in-laws in one place, both men from time to time looking around fearfully, like unarmed visitors in a jungle clearing, as out beyond this particular patch of light Traverses and Beckers went… Read more