“I have seen such things—” said Aquinas. “I have seen such things—” said John of the Cross. “I have seen such things—” said Plato. And they all lived out the rest of their lives in a glorious daze.
“I have seen such things—” said Aquinas. “I have seen such things—” said John of the Cross. “I have seen such things—” said Plato. And they all lived out the rest of their lives in a glorious daze.
“Born I was to meet with age,
And to talk life’s pilgrimage,
Much, I know, of time is spent,
Tell I can’t what’s resident.
Howsoever, cares, adieu;
I’ll have nought to say to you.
But I’ll spend my coming hours
Drinking wine, and crown’d with flowers.”
Robert Herrick | “On Himself”