Chaos overshadows us. / Unsheltered sorrow shuts upon us. / We are strangled by bitter light. / Our bones shake like sticks. / We snap. / We grope. / We pant and go dry. / Our tongues are black. / All day is endless. / Nights endless. / Our skin crawls, it cracks. / Our room is a cat who plays with us. / Our hope is a noose. / We take our flesh in our teeth. / The autumn blows us as chaff across the fields. / We are sifted and fall. / We are hung in a void. / We are shattered on the ocean. / We are smeared on the darkness. / We are slit and drained out. / Little things drink us. / We lie unburied. / We are dust. / We know nothing. / We can not answer. / We will speak no more. / BUT WE WILL NOT STOP. / For we are the beloveds. / We have been instructed to call this His love.